Watching his adolescent son write and publish his first book, Andrew Konomanyi has learned that there are certain good habits that a writer must employ to be a success in the business. A writer chooses to put their thoughts and opinions on paper because it is enjoyable to them, but that enjoyment does not always mean they will finish the piece they have started. Staying committed to seeing the work through to completion takes another thought process and good writing habits. No one can sit and write for twenty four hours a day. In fact, most quality writers find that short breaks here and there help their creative processes to work more smoothly. A good habit to develop is to stop and stretch every once in a while. Sitting at your desk writing or typing becomes hard on the body. As the body becomes more stressed, your creativity decreases. Starting a project can be easy, completing that project is another story altogether. If you are a writer who is stuck or has lost motivation to finish a work, make a schedule for yourself. All successful writers have a habit of scheduling their writing time, and sticking to that schedule no matter what. This allows the mind to stay focused and sets a daily goal for progress on the work. Another useful habit is to reflect and take notes before stopping for the day. If you have spent a few hours writing on a piece today, and plan to pick up on it tomorrow, spend twenty minutes jotting down ideas for the next day. These ideas do not have to be long and drawn out thoughts, they could simply be keywords that will jog your memory and get the creative juices flowing. Taking notes when ideas come to you is always a great writing habit. To make this easier, you should keep a pen and notebook with you at all times, so you can write those random thoughts down when they hit you. For More Information Visit Here -http://andrewkonomanyi.jigsy.comAll Rights Reserved