Cheyenne Urahara, foster daughter of Kisuke Urahara is a tranfer student to Hueco Mundo High School. Not only that but she has to deal with two gangs that want her in it; but she quickly choses one. Once she finds out that the vice- principle and two of her teachers are the people that put her in pain when she disappered from her father have returned to make her a monster. Not only that but the one person that has ever treated her like a princess has returned but turned into a bastard his name is... Grimmjow Jaeggerjaques. Grimmjow Jaeggerjaques, the bad -ass of school comes face to face with the new student Cheyenne Urahara. She is in all of his classes except for first period (which is home room) and now that she's in his gang she's turned into his angel for saving him from the boring life as the Segundo Espada (second sword). But will their past come back to haunt them as they quickly fall for each other? And does Cheyenne have a past that cannot be spoken of but inly she and two others know of? I warn you this is a page turner and has cursing and violence. Find out what happens in Hueco Mundo High School.All Rights Reserved