This story takes place after one of our beloved characters, still unknown, is beaten, battered, and bludgeoned and made the victim of Negan's infamous companion, Lucille. In this story, we meet new friends and foes, devil's deals are made, loved ones are kidnapped, and tigers make their mark on the apocalypse.
Warning: profanity // slow updates during the school year
Please do not take this idea. If you want to use it, you need my permission and you must give credit afterwards. I do not own any of the characters or settings from The Walking Dead. They all belong to AMC :) but I DO own the characters I created, even if similar characters show up on the show, which returns October 23. If you have any questions or comments WHATSOEVER, shoot me a message! NO HATE PLEASE! I'd be glad to talk to you and if you have any requests, I'd be honored to take them into consideration, whether they be for the plot, certain ships you'd like to see happen, if you'd like to be in the story, etc. I LOVE EVERYBODY AND I LOVE TWD!!!!!!