A føx aløne øn the streets. Helpless. Ør sø everyøne thøught. This føx was special. It's their shape shifting pøwers that were amazing. Now Ciel was in tøwn and løøking før a new servant. This føx seemed prømising, sø, against his better judgement, he tøøk the føx in nøt cømpletely aware øf the pøwers that waited in dørmancy inside this girl. That's right, the girl is {Yøur Name}, børn and raised øn the streets, she knew nø better than tø beg før things. Sø it shøuldn't have surprised Ciel sø much when she kept døing it right? Wrøng. He decided tø break this habit and tøld Sebastian tø dø it. With his newly trained maid by his side he might just be able tø dø anything he wanted. But where to begin? I guess it starts with høw yøu were brøught intø the mansiøn and the rectiøns frøm everyøne when yøu appeared øut frøm nøwhere. Thøugh sømething is øff. Døes she even knøw her øwn biggest secret?All Rights Reserved