"Being a single mom means that you're on duty 24/7, sweetheart. It means that everything you do, you do it for your children. It means that you're the mom and the dad. It means that you dedicate 99% of your time to your children", My mother told me.
"The other 1% is for you. To let your hair down for a minute and have time for yourself. To have a little fun. Being a single mom doesn't mean that you shouldn't have a life, Zanele".
Funny, because for 3 years, I've never allowed myself to enjoy that 1% ever since my daughter, Arizona, was born.
And the one night I decided to do so and had a steamy, one-night-stand with the sexiest, mysterious man I've ever met, I fell pregnant, AGAIN.
Yes, I had a one-night-stand and fell pregnant. And the cherry on top? He had only given me one name before disappearing.
The name?
Read to find out
"What is Happily Ever After and where can one buy it?"
"Honestly love is overrated"
"Do single parents also deserve love or have time for it"
"Can we have trust without love or love without trust? *laughs in disbelief* if so, why the fuck don't you trust me or love me when you say you love me!"
"Love is overrated. Its all about the hit and run! Fuckboy for life!"
"Don't broken people deserve love too? Or are we just too much to be loved?"
"I'm done! No more!"