The Givers
  • مقروء 47
  • صوت 1
  • أجزاء 2
  • الوقت <5 mins
  • مقروء 47
  • صوت 1
  • أجزاء 2
  • الوقت <5 mins
مستمرة، تم نشرها في أبريل ١٤, ٢٠١٦
England has been separated by earth's newest immigrants; the Givers. The Givers have refurbished the damaged country, and the Regimes who were once in control have been stripped of their power, living in poverty, on the other side. Anyone who chooses to stand with them are welcomed to their own deaths. 
Day by day thousands join, and are stamped once under the refuge of the Givers. The aliens live to serve and anyone under their law are provided with food, shelter and clothing, all for free. But the seemingly functional society is not all it seems.  
  {Coming soon :) }
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