When a threat simply known as Enigma endangers the world, a team of eleven heroes combine their strength to stop it. The journey begins when Naoma Trudeau stumbles into a cave armed with nothing but a flashlight. Naoma has a fateful encounter with Syo, a nymph who is in need of help in stopping Enigma's plans. Charismatic Naoma is frantic to escape her restricted home life with her father, stepmother and older stepbrother; so she accepts the responsibility of the quest. Now tasked with rescuing humankind from destruction, Naoma embarks on the journey that will change her life. Along the way they will come across nine new teammates: Gandamu Tanakan, Azura Mizu, S'yan, Kireina Kaze, Akuro Katsumata, Ciar Sparrow, Emi Naoko, Laurent Chalondra and Gaius Rucker. In order to save the world, they must become the champions of the future.