Now, usually these things are about 10 pages long, but I really do not have that much to say. So, those of you who are reading this, you were either forced to by yours truly, too impatient to wait 10+ years later to play the game, or you felt bad for me. This whole thing began when I was 10 years old with an old friend of mine. One night, we were talking and randomly thought, 'Hey! We should make a video game!' And so we came up with characters and all. It was originally called Death Over The Mountain, but it was totally different than this. It was based in a Japanese town with Japanese names. We had different monsters for it like a chair that would throw it's head at you; weird I know, it's a long story. Micah was not originally the antagonist's friend, he was the boss before the final boss in the video game. And it certainly did not have a lesbian couple in it. She had drawn the characters out, since I could not draw at the time, and I remember specifically one night when we picked out the names. We had a riddle in it that we thought was so genius and a little song to go with it; which would probably be considered copyrighted. It was a parody of 'The Bear Went Over The Mountain'. After a while, we totally forgot about it-- rather thinking of friends and school. In middle school, I began it again and made some changes. She had forgotten about it totally. In high school, I reminded her of it and we re-designed it. Then, when our mishap happened, I forgot again. When I was 16, I remembered once again and re-designed everything, again. Now, my ideas have burst into great things; a video game and a book. I look forward to criticism and love for my books and video games. I am so happy I went through with this. I appreciate the love and support from all of you. Thank you.
P.S. I absolutely, positively hate reading
Hi all,
I have decided to discontinue this book, so it is not finished. (Read at your own risk) I'm going to be rewriting it from the beginning, in hopes to improve it greatly.
It will be uploaded as a brand new book so feel free to check it out, please be aware it might differ slightly from this book as it is only taking inspiration from it
Many thanks for all the reads this book has brought and with high hopes for the rewrite i bid you goodbye
Everything seemed to go silent as I heard them breaking through the door before anyone else, adrenaline pumped through my body as i jumped up and pulled out my machete. i ran over to help the group protect the others but realised that there was too many zombies to take on , my heart beating so fast, i turned around, grabbed Rose and went running over to the window. i looked down and saw the breath taking jump to the next building making me fear what was coming next and that was our only escape. i turned around, slicing a zombies head right off its neck , protecting Wen from getting bitten. As she swung her axe right over my head , hitting another zombie square in the head, sending a spray of blood all over the back of me.
"We have to jump!" i screamed at everyone at the top of my lungs, i looked around to find at least 75% of our group either eaten or eating some one else. i knew i was being too slow in making my decisions, but all i could concentrate on was the sound of my heart beating in my chest. i pulled nicol to the floor and away from the zombie that nearly chewed off her head and watched her send a knife into its head with what seemed no effort at all. Then i turned and moved quicker than i have before to stop the zombie that i saw coming for me from the corner of my eye, i stopped dead in my tracks as my heart sank into the bloody stream of my circulation of life.
I realised the zombie i was facing, was Rose...