Zelda U Universe/Gerudo-Raised Link Fanfiction.
'... All I can hear is that pounding heart. Terror and adrenaline pumping through my veins.
Why is everything so blurry and dark? Where's my mother?
Why does this man have me? I want to scream, but I can't even utter the smallest whimpers.
I'm terrified. Why does he run? What is he running from? Why did he take me?
"Please.. Do not leave my child to die alone.. I beg of you. Take him away from the unforgiving jaws of the beast.."'
Those words would echo within his dreams, bringing a sense of terror. Each night, his dreams would haunt him, giving him cryptic messages. Rinku swore he could almost smell the blood, feel the adrenaline course through his veins and felt the hot breath of a pursing creature. Though, a strange man carried him away, whispering those mysterious words...
Why had these nightmares haunted him? Why wasn't he allowed to learn more? Why couldn't this man reveal who he really was..?
When he confronts Nabooru about his strange dreams, he will soon be jutted into a world he knows little about. Murmurs of war rides the winds, bringing promises of bloodshed. And here he stands, in the middle of it all.
A double-edged blade cuts his heart in two, and Rinku is forced to decide...
Side with the Hylians, who share his blood? Or side with the Gerudos who had taught him the meaning of family?
One final question lingers, though...
Will he finally piece the meaning of his nightmares?