A poem for my little sister, cover image borrowed from http://lilifilane.deviantart.com/art/dark-butterfly-157679663
At first a glance from the corner of my eye
A flutter on the fringe of vision
I find myself now captivated by the metamorphosis this flicker has undergone
I knew all along the potential depths
I knew all along the hint of shadow within
So similar to my own
I saw you then, a child free of the future, growing in love
I see you now, in youth like a budding rose with petals crimped and curled
beautiful but singed by the heat of burning potential within
Not yet formed but rapidly expanding wings of layered Deep
This creature
I recognize this being as I would recognize my own soul
I was this fragile thing once
I was, I am, and I always will be
Tender Butterfly
Stretching your bloodless wings too soon and recoiling at the pain
Desperate to soar away, to escape the hurt you unwittingly cause yourself
Hush fluttering thing
This thundering call to wander will become a gentle rumble
I long to comfort the sting, to placate the ache with words of peace
But I cannot lie
The echo of the call will resonate through all time
It will whisper in your sleep
It will whimper in your times of joy
But what you cannot see yet, wrinkled and flightless as you cling to your rooted branches,
The perspective you will gain when you finally fly.....
I cannot describe it......Unfathomable and Wondrous.....
Hang on little butterfly
Hang on a while longer
Regret nothing that stems from your passion, your angst, your pain, your visions
But never surrender to the black
Let it surround you and cloak you, let it color your world
Let it fill your bloodless wings
The star shines best among deepest darkness
Refuse to be swallowed up
Im 15 and a virgin just so y'all know and if you do end up messaging me text Arctic monkeys for confirmation because I don't know who y'all are and before you text any of my socials comment on the post so I know you're coming or even on my message board