Julia, Roman, and Toby are the only ones who can save the fate of all the mythical creatures from the evil Time Lord, Mr. Debue. After an unfortunate event, Julia and Roman are now stuck together to try and find away to save the Romanaugh vampires and the Vilkas werewolves from being taken over by Mr. Debue. Along the way, Julia and Roman risk their lives to save Toby; a mere werewolf pup. Even though werewolves and vampires are suppose hate and loathe each other, there is one thing the two of them will protect... Toby.
On their journey, they run into a few old friends, family members, and loved ones. When Julia and Roman reveal their true forms, will they still stay by each others side for Toby? Or will it be because of love? When Roman and Julia get separated from Toby, what adventures will they encounter then? Mr. Debue is the last living Time Lord and is the most powerful creature in the mythical world. How can a werewolf and vampire stop the greatest creature alive?
It takes one wrong choice, it takes one mistake to change your entire life. Lucille made that mistake, that night she made the horrible choice to seek refuge in between the dark, towering trees of the forest. Hiding and trying to fight her anger she was unaware of the other person hiding in the shadows and fighting their urge. Their urge to sink their teeth into the tender skin of her neck.
Lucille being a human girl that she was, was unaware of the creatures of the night but fate had plans; plans for her to meet those said creatures. It only took one bite for fate's plan to jump into action, it only takes one bite for Lucille to enter the world of werewolves. The only flaw to fate's plan was whether Lucille will survive the bite and accept the darker side of life.
The bite wasn't the only she was going to have to survive. She was going to have to survive her mate and he was going to have to survive her. The thing was, was Lucille willing to be the person he wanted her to be? Was she willing to accept her new life and was she going to accept to be his second choice? And if not?
Who will show Lucille that love exsists and you just need to find the right person to show you. And if that person happens to have mysterious grey eyes maybe just maybe she will allow herself to experience love for the first time.