In the year 2258, an alien race known as the Kraletarians started a Great War with Terra. Resources were diminished to almost nothing and all that was left were barren wastelands and strands of mutations that left many people. . . different. As a Hail Mary attempt to read the earth of mankind, The invaders carpet bombed our skies with a mutagen known only to the survivors as The Glaze. The mutagen, when introduced to Terran life, left the host in a decomposing and enraged state. Those left surviving moved into domes underground cities controlled by the Terran Coalition, an Organization with an omniscient and shady existence. Unable to leave, and unwilling to fight, the people live on, silently waiting for a hero. Hello you guys, and thank you for selecting my book. I will be trying to do weekly updates on Thursday night or Friday mornings. If you enjoy the book,
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