This boy gives me so many reasons to like him and he just gives me rough times and emotional times too but ii get over it because I can tell he will come around. I can't say he likes me because he may or may not its his choice not mines and I might be loving him right now and thinking about him right now it's not certain he's doing the same. I sometimes wonder if ii will ever have a chance with him but ii will never know because it's his decision to make not mines. We talk about our feelings and he understands how ii feel about him but thing is, ii never understand what he feels about me. He can like me, or he can hate me but ii still dont understand what he feels for me. This boy is a boy that ii talk to and to me he's close but at the same time we drift apart. He knows some of the things that annoy me and ii know what annoys him but sometimes ii just feel like he does things for a reason and sometimes he would do things that annoy me to annoy me and ii do it back to him sometimes. HeAll Rights Reserved