Clay is a 17 year old teenager who lives the life of a rogue as he is pursued by the government. He lives in a post apocalypse society where the government controls a persons every move. The government controls the city of Pripyat in Ukraine, a real city left desolate by the nuclear disaster of Chernobyl which has now become the last populated city in the world after nuclear war devastated the globe. He lives a life on the run as he attempts to continue the work of his deceased father, trying to free the poverty stricken people from the regimes grip. If a person challenges the government they will be beaten and hung, they cannot move without being monitored by a chip implanted in their skull. The government in this society preaches that it was God's wrath that caused the destruction of the old world and that it will happen against if people rebel. Clay tries to challenge this despite the extreme risks to his life.All Rights Reserved