This person is racist to Mexicans, Muslims, and African Americans. Some of the racist comments this person has said about these different types of people is: Mexicans are killers, drug dealers, and convicts. Muslims should not be able to enter out country because some Muslims have bombed Pairs and this person says when he becomes preside t he will close all travel visas. He days that African American are too black too be here.
This man doesn't understand what it is like to be in middle class or to be poor because he has too much money. He doesn't understand what it is like to have trouble with money and he doesn't' tolerant with different beliefs. He is against social welfare programs and believes that parents should be able to pay for their children by themselves without help from the government and he is against food tamps which re used to buy food. He is against Medicaid cards because parents should be a able to pay themselves. I know you guys, will at least some of you gays think that what he says is good and true stuff, and you believe all the stuff he says but I'm telling you he is not a good person to be our president if you are a person who believes me which I bet very little of you do believe me because you're probably thinking why should I listen to a 12 year old she probably doesn't' even know what she's talking about, but trust me I know what I'm saying. Donald Trump is not a good person and you shouldn't vote for him. 17% of the US is Hispanic or Latino, 13.2% of the US is African American, and 2.7% of the US is Muslim. If he were to send us the Hispanics, African Americans, and Muslims back to where we came from there would only be 63% of the people not including Asian, and multi radials. The person is Donald trump!