Your heart, consummated
Your dreams, deceased
Your nucleus, waning
Your restive disappearance in the flame
Your self-congratulatory end
is a trivial incident ;
like failing human relationships
as masks are dropped away
revealing cranks, imbeciles, vengeful sadists
All eaten up by nothing-
Like worldly victory
bullied and torn,
assembled and thrown
in the common verity of demise .
But , asking for no mercy
the ashes remain,
Questioning Fate, teasing Bias
bombarding with flickering flecks,
flecks competing to regenerate,
in the reek of defeat,
in the self engulfing survival
in the struggle towards ever-receding nothingness,
each behooving the other
to believe it's sane,
to wallow in the indecent profession
of burning in search of warmth,
of dying to live.