Lilith Grey a passionate girl with high hopes and dreams that always wants to do well and make a difference, but because she's the only black girl and goes to an all White private school, teachers constantly underrate her intellegence and ability to prove them wrong. With snoby cheerleaders, queen B's and boys who use all there time pursuing and seducing girls. Lilith makes it her end of year goal to make a change in someones life and that someone had to be Liam Jones. A strangely quiet and bored looking boy who moved to Lilith's school a month ago and still hasn't made any friends. Liam was accepted to Winstons private school on a scholarship so he wasn't as privileged as the other students in wealth and status so fitting in was hard not that lee really care about making friends or anything for that matter he just wanted to get through senior year without more madness then he can already handle.All Rights Reserved