There are various versions of the events that you are about to read but all involved unanimously agree it all began when Ashleigh left. It was one of the most dramatic and yet anti-climactic departures I had witnessed. Her reasons remained a mystery to most of the populace but that didn't stop anyone from concocting their own theories and then broadcasting them. Whether it was because she missed her old friend Suzie, she was fed up with the school, if she couldn't handle biology anymore or whether it was to escape her ex Randy. Ash was the type of person that everyone knew. She and her insistent drumming had left but not before she marked all the tables in the classroom with, 'tits out for the boys.' Classic Ash. "We'll see each other again really soon," she continued to say as she left. No one believed her. Others had made the same promises and none had been able to deliver. We'd miss her to some degree but of course not as much as Randy would.All Rights Reserved