Why do so many people on this planet believe in a divine being? Is it even sensible to believe in one? With increasing progression in human knowledge of the natural world around, there seems little reason to believe in a divine being. With this, the pressure increases on both the agnostic and Christian to abandon their search for the answer. Yet on the other front, the Christian also begins to face the rise of old enemies that once plagued Christian orthodoxy.
Similar to its predecessor, this book and its compilation of themed articles addresses the issues in the logic, philosophy and thoughts of Christianity from a layperson point of view. Some of these articles serve to expand and clarify the points raised in its predecessor, and some on completely new topics. Yet unlike the predecessor, this book focuses more on the doctrine and basis of Orthodox Christian beliefs and how Christians can apply them to everyday life through articles that are once again, academic, reflective, and argumentative.
Just like 'A Practical Guide to the Logic, Philosophy, and Thoughts of Christianity', this book is the result of a single individual's search for God. It promises to be challenging and thought provoking for the genuinely open-minded and interested. Even so, the articles are at best 'arm-chair theology' and are therefore meant to be easily understood by any interested agnostic and Christian with a slow yet provocative push into the basis of Christianity and her doctrines.
If you have paid for a copy of this e-book, please demand for your money back because this is free. Please feel free to give out a copy of this e-book to everyone you know who needs it.
I have written this for confused women who don't know how to value themselves. I've written this book for that young lady who doesn't see her worth. I have written this for that insecure girl who wants to take her own life because she feels her life isn't worth living anymore.
May God use the words in this to breathe life into tired souls.
What makes me qualified to write this kind of e-book? I can tell you that I was once very insecure about myself. I have been all that I've mentioned above. When I was a child, I had death wishes. When I grew into a teenager, I wanted to kill myself or wanted to disappear and be invisible. When I grew into adulthood, I was so insecure about my own self-worth that I let it stop me from living the life I was supposed to live. But I outgrew all of these because I grew confident - confident of God and myself. I won't say that I've reached the perfect level of confidence but I grew up a lot.
In this e-book, I will talk about confidence and identity. I hope you will take the time to take this growth development with me. I have made this a God-book because after all - God is the source of confidence.