"Have you ever thought something bad? For how long? Have you ever thought something bad for only a second, sixty-one times? Have you ever needed to keep track?"
Violet Wright is a wunderkind who doesn't always wonder kindly. At eighteen, she stands tall among the youngest -- and the most popular -- multi-millionaires in the world, having written a series of best-selling, award-winning post-apocalyptic novels, as well as their film adaptations. However, despite all of her achievements, she remains humbly pessimistic about her future, claiming that she'd "rather be surprised by a success than a failure." Even with such a mindset, all seems to be going her way . . . until, one day, by some magic, her worst thoughts are realized. Time remains fixed, but the world begins bending at her mind's will. Whether awake or asleep, thinking about something for more than a minute brings it into being. Only reasonable solutions are able to reverse the damage -- only if they're thought within a day of the prior realization, for more than a minute on their own. After a few days of cataloguing her thoughts (or attempting to), telling no one but her mother and trusted attorney, she meets a strange doctor who believes that she could help. Without a moment's consideration, she embarks on a journey to change the way that she thinks, vowing that she'll think the worst of herself if nothing changes after a week. Will it?