This story is based on the Outsiders kids. It revolves around Sodapop's only child. Pepsi-Cola. Pepsi, raised by Ponyboy has to face the reality that his father isn't there for him when he needs him most. Due to Soda dying in Vietnam, Pespi's grown up without his father and is being forced to make some tuff decisions at the age of sixteen. He's the captian of the soccer team, co-captian of the basketball team. All AP classes with a 4.8 GPA, the gang says that if Soda were here, he wouldn't be more prouder of Pepsi, but there's also another thing is Pepsi's life. He's got twin boys on the way with his pregnant girlfriend, Patrica Clamintine and his life gets worse when the Shooters, the new name for the Socs' kids and the Rockies, the Greaser's children's class name, go farther out than ever before. All Pepsi can do is follow his heart, but can he when one part is telling him to do one thing and another is telling him to do another thing?