Sky Flying
  • Membaca 34
  • Suara 2
  • Bagian 1
  • Durasi 15m
  • Membaca 34
  • Suara 2
  • Bagian 1
  • Durasi 15m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Jul 17, 2013
About four months ago, when the government discovered a forgotten file on the town named 'Red Sun' a strange and outrageous law from one hundred and fifty years ago was placed on the town. This law had a rule that it would never be disobeyed and so, the government having more important issues, warned the town and more than half of the towns residents left, leaving a cloud of dust behind them. Only ten scientists remain, but a family struggling to get along with each other is going to discover something very special on the way through their journey. Also, maybe the nasty teenage girl in the household is going to discover something inside of her that she never knew existed.
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