This is Fairy Tale, an original story I started some *cough*fifteen*cough* years ago. I have the first few chapters up already, but those in their current form are about 4 years old. This bit is closer to 6-12 months, and in my opinion is a lot better and more interesting.
For those that never started, Fairy Tale is a book about Five teenagers from Earth who are transported by means of a Light-teleportation called "Hopping" to another planet, Corsavvott (pronounced KOR-sah-voe), where the inhabitants of the planets are the creatures of our legends, myths and fairy tales.
It has elves and werewolves, witches and fairies, angels and dinosaurs, demons and many, many more. But this is not a traditional "werewolf vs vampire," "angel vs demon," or "good witch vs bad witch." They are characters, true, but the story focuses on the Five teens from Earth and their place in this new world. It is a story about magic and knowledge, an allegory of religion vs science. It is about humans and strange beings, and what makes one "human." There are hints of sacred numbers, alchemy, religion, philosophy, meditation, and a whole lot more.
But most of all, it is a story about friendship, teamwork and love.
Feel free to comment, good or bad! I welcome all comments, for without your interest, I'll have no one to read my work! Tell me if you like it, or give me ideas or support.
With that, I thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy!
I give you, Fairy Tale. (From the middle sections.)
A child of Fate, a child of Chaos. Both convene at the greatest magic school in the United Kingdom, Hogwarts. Both are destined down differing paths.
{The first couple of books won't get too dark, maybe a sprinkle of gore and violence. But the heavier topics of war, torture, cosmic horror (I am not the best at it right now so I want to study it more before I introduce it into the story) and lots more heavy gore. I am working on a project other than this but I will try to update this at least once a week. Thanks, everyone for all the support and reads on the original story. Hopefully, although this won't be Male Reader, it is still enjoyable.}