there was this kid named Austin he was 6 years old hes daddy beat hes mother every night and everyday he had 6 siblings and hes twin Carlos Austin saw hes mother get beat everyday hes dad never paid attention to him hes mother always yelled at him and hit him for no reason hes bothers and sisters were treated great for some reason hes mother and father couldn't stand him he felt UN wanted UN loved so by the age of 8 he started hanging with the wrong crowed in school he started to turn from a sweet kid to a trouble maker in school he got into fights and yelled at the teachers hes mother would come in and yell at him and take him home and beat him till he couldn't move Austin always dreamed of being in the NFL when he played it felt like all hes problems went a way for a split second but then he realized he cant do it he didn't believe in him self cause hes mother always told him Ur nothing Ur worthless Ur a mistake it hurt him so bad but he never once showed that it did Austin lived in a bad part of town the Bronx well everyday he saw this one group of guys Waring red flags and smoking weed and drinking and they had big watches and cool cars and all the girls all over them and had tons of money to spend Austin was vary intrigued in this he always watch them and always thought they were so cool and he thought to him self i want the girls i want the money i want the cars so one day he was walking home he was about 9 now he was walking on the same side of the street as them and he always look down cause he was scared as he was walking almost home one of them yelled out to him "ay young blood come here" Austin turned around and said "who me" yeah' you come here young blood whats Ur name kid "my name is Austin " how old are u Austin im 9 years old why u look so scared lighten up i aint gonna hurt u i always see u walking with ur head down never do that u hear me keep ur head up so people u aint scared and u strong listen here u come here tomorrow okAll Rights Reserved