This is my take on where squirrelflight and bramblestar started to love eachother, this is MY story, not what actually happened, all credit on the warriors series to the Erin Hunter team, their books have inspired so much, in me, and others, some are inspired to write about two cats who love eachother very much, brutally fucking eachother. But this is about love, there might be an erection here and there, but this is when the cats were traveling back to the forest from the mountains to the old clan territory, and a spark of love starts to bond brambleclaw and squirrelpaw (who is definitely of age, she would be a warrior by now if she stayed in the forest with the clan, but she went on the journey and her ceremony would have been late, shes young warrior age, so is brambleclaw, he's just older) if you're squeamish about sex then please leave this book and go find a soft core love story for yourself, but this book is about quickly onset love and brambleclaw "helping out" squirrelpaw, happy reading