Welcome to the glimmering city of Zootopia! Nick Wilde, a former con fox who now works for the police department, and Judy Hopps, a bunny who's dream was always to become a cop, will team up to find Gary Longsnout, a pig bank robber, son of crime boss, Howard Longsnout.
But little did they know how deep the mission actually is, being in motion for years, longer than the Night Howler case.
Nick has his eye on a third member, playing everything from the shadows, called The Red Tail. The one behind the entire thing.
The deeper they get to solve the mission, the farther they get from each other.
Judy starts to realize she has feelings for Nick, but that they can never be together, since he's her predator.
Nick discovers that he wants to be with Judy, but notices her slipping away each time they get close.
A forbidden love under forbidden circumstances.
Polar Opposites.
(Nick x Judy)
The Bad Guys Justice League: Attack of the Night Howlers
18 parts Complete
18 parts
This is a story that takes place during the events of the Night Howler Case and Nick was once a member of the Bad Guys years ago.
Nick Wilde was once a member of the bad guys in his
younger days before deciding to cut a quits and move
to zootopia to change his life from being a criminal to
con man. He meets Judy and she shows him, he can be more then just a con man. So he joins THE ZPD. But soon will find out that he will have to face his past.
After the events of the Bad Guys becoming good they
soon tell Diane about their youngest member Nick
Wilde who was once a part of their team before moving
to Zootopia to make a better life. They decide to take a vacation, they move to Zootopia, but along the way they bump into an old friend and meet rookie cop Judy Hopps who are both investigating the missing mammal case which are predators and soon find them selves in a adventure of a life time.
Can Nick patch up things with his old friends, or will
the scars still run deep for Wolf and Nick? And will they find the rest of the missing mammals? And what will Nick's react be when he finds out the Bad Guys...
have kids.