No smut.
Also, and sorry, but no stuff like Destiel and JohnLock please. I'm sorry, but I can't do it. It's against my religion.
You can do stuff like Sherlolly and Megstiel.
Requests are open.
I do not own any of these original characters.
I will be doing Sam, Dean, Castiel, Gabriel, Adam, Sherlock, John and Mary, Mycroft, Lestrade, Molly, Moriarty, 9, 10, 11, Rose, Amy and Rory, Clara, Donna, Martha, Jack
You can request other characters too if you want.
I'm sorry if they suck, I've not written any fan fictions before.
Yo yo yo everybody what's happening? Hey guess what I'm writing another story AND ITS NOT ABOUT YUGI! Isn't that exciting? But it's still yugioh related I LOVE YUGIOH LOVE STORYS SO DEAL PEPS! Any ways here we go. Tee hee but the way like the title says it's about Bakura this will be fun.