By:Tayler hemphill chapter 1 The three nights There was six friends at the school got lock in and had to sleep in there class room it was friday and ever morning they had to use the bathrooms and had to clean there classroom there names were tayler mikhia brady samantha mel mia and they when't to the park and played.that night something was walking in the hall was it was not tayler brady mikhia samantha mel or mia everbody was in the room something walked up to the door and Mia whent to go check the door she said "yes " she opened the door it was the old techer from 1304 we all scremed "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh" mia shut the door and locked it the next day it was monday ms.kisha came she asked why are yall here so erly she asked we told her ever thingWszelkie Prawa Zastrzeżone
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