Join Us On Adventure... Going To The Modern World That Isn't So Modern...
Meet Fletcher And His Friends Who Are Half Human Half Robot... And Find Out Their Secret...
Follow Them As We Find Out Who They Once Were... And Who They Will Become...
"Everyone here used to be full human, and they suffered through awful things in their lives, which is why everyone here has a phobia. In my life I fell off a cliff to my doom saving my family, then I got turned into a Cyborg which is why I have acrophobia." Luke sighed tears forming in his eyes slightly but quickly blinking them away.
Randy looked down at the floor slightly, "My fear comes from when I was a child in my life, I only just remember it but... They turned me into a Cyborg while I was still alive and," he paused shortly then looked up. "They did it while I was still awake, I-I saw my insides turn to bolts and wires I felt my soul be sucked from my body. I felt my mind leave my body and still remember loosing my memories instantly which was replaced by fake ones." He sobbed I looked at Randy and pat him on the back.
"So everyone here went through something like this in their life, then lost their memories after, everyone but you Fletcher...