It's the late eighteen-hundreds and a young boy named Lukas Tabwire has recently died from a fatal illness called 'polio' he had contracted only two weeks prior to his death. A whole time gap into a future is a sucidal teenager named Arson Charsley growing up in the early two-thousands. As the day fades in both times, the two trail off into what is considered a state of total death. Their bodies are pronounced dead on the exact date of one-another, time and day of the week but at completely diffrent points in time. The two spirits enter a state of comatose while their physical body dies. As this happens the girl is revived by paramedics new technology just as she reaches out to help Lukas Tabwire. Arson wakes up to find herself a ghost that must provide herself with the same things a living human being would need to survive. Each day Arson wakes either visble to others or invisible. However, Lukas wasn't so lucky. The boy's spirit was trapped in a state that allowed him to "sleep" for years in darkness only to awake at any given point in time. The only hope for the two to move on rest in each-others knowledge, but meeting one another in the current date will prove more difficult than imagined. It could be a week, a month, or an enitre life span before the two would meet. As you read this book you will be driven into a world of action, fantasy, love and above all, mystery. Updates in five chapters at a time. Last update was 4/30/16 at 9:53 PM EST.