We all have that one dream that we desperately want to come true, don't we? I know I do, my name is Clementine Meadows or at least I've made it to be. My real name on my birth certificate is Amelia Rogers, I never particularly cared for the name my parents bestowed upon me, so I changed it in high school. But I should get back to the true point in this, description, or explanation, whichever. My dream is to be the merch girl for Sleeping With Sirens, I won't lie it mostly has to do with being close to Kellin Quinn, my one and only true love. But also to spend Warped Tour with a band I love on a tour I've felt I was meant to be on. Only I don't get exactly what I wanted. No, instead I'm stuck with some no name band, from Tampa, Florida. I mean who gives a damn about Set It Off? Who are they really? Does it matter? Of course, by the end of the tour, I'll learn they'll be more to me than I ever expected.
Set It Off is a real band, as well as each of the band members, Cody Carson, Austin Kerr, Dan Clermont, Maxx Danziger, Zach Dewall, as well as their wonderful tour manager, Andrew Cramb.
I would like to point out, that none of the guys are they way they are made out to be in this story, they are not jerks, actually they are the opposite, there wonderful and huge sweethearts. So I am being melodramatic for the story, as well as making the character out to see the guys how she wants to see them.
There are many ways for everyone to talk to them, or listen to them.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/setitoffband
Twitter - https://twitter.com/setitoff
Instagram - http://instagram.com/setitoffband
Tumblr - http://setitoffband.tumblr.com/
MerchNow - http://setitoff.merchnow.com/
YouTube - http://www.youtube.com/setitoffband & http://www.youtube.com/user/rockmaniac89
You can find all of their personals for each of those websites, I won't put those here, as there are many, but they are very easy to find.
"She did not just create a heart inside of my chest. She was my heart. Thus only in her presence am i a human"
How Tom sees little Anastasia is far more than anyone would've thought.
Spin off from {As the sin caves in} you don't have to have read {as the sin caves in} it's clear don't worry darlings. This is Tom's pov of the entire book
Plot twist at the end if you have already read {as the sin caves in}