Lorelei is a 16 year old girl living in an abusive household with her stepfather. She's also a freak, to add more to her list of problems. She can set fires with her fingers, and can't keep the boys away from her.
That is, until she meets Damien.
The first thing I noticed was me and Damien's position. I lay on my back, him on his front. But that's not all. Our legs were intertwined, his large warm ones hugging mine. The second thing, was that his head lay almost on top of my chest. The third, and by far the one I had the most mixed feelings about, was his hand. His hand that was snaked up my shirt, coming dangerously close to delving beneath my bra. I lay completely still, listening to his breathing. He was still asleep. As soon as I had calmed my breathing down enough to rationally think, he shifted. He brought his knee up between my thighs, pushed and making my gasp. His hand traveled across my rib cage to grab my side and pull me closer to him. His knee kept pushing up against me, and I groaned, a bit louder this time. As soon as the sound left my mouth, I felt his breaths halt.
Jade meets this irresistibly hot vampire and handsome warewolf at her family's old hometown. Her being herself she wanted to explore the old ancient town full of her familys history since shes on vacay. She figured she'd visit for a couple days then home sweet home back to her shitful life. Not the case here, she begins to learn old family secrets and develops a keen obsession with this sexy blood thirsty vamp and pretty boy warewolf. Not only that but learn their brutal dom ways in bed;)
Diablo looks at me with this evil but seductive smirk on his face, I can't help but think god damn does he look hot as f*ck. sitting on that chair just staring me down like I'm his next meal.
"Does me being a vampire king and Cain being an alpha scare you jade?" Diablo spits out. "Or does it turn you on.." my breathing stopped. At this point I'm just asking for it.
"You're gonna need some serious rest by the time we're done with you jade.." Cain whispers into my ear spiking up every hair on my body.
Diablo walks over to me and grabs me out of no where. picking me up as if I weighed nothing and throws me over his shoulder.
"Diablo? What are you doing put me down!" He continues to walk out of the office cain following right behind with a smirk.
"Your bloods gonna taste soo good as it's trickling down my face" Diablo gives out this deep chuckle. What The F*ck. Did I get myself into.
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