It says that in a time when everything seems lost and you don't know how to respond to the world, something magical happens in your life. You may not realize it but it helps you through it all. But sometimes when we do not realize the magic, we push it away from us because we are scared that it will destroy us more. Emily Tyler has a story that she has kept to her self since forever. She does not trust anyone but herself. That can be a good thing too, it helps her not get hurt. But what if keeping it bottled up inside her is what is hurting her more.
Jason Ronald, an average guy in his eyes yet very good-looking. His parents died in an accident when he was very small. Brought up by his aunt who he loves with all his heart. He has this happy bubble around him that makes everyone smile and laugh around him, all but one. One girl sitting beside him in Chemistry class. He fails to understand her or maybe he is just scared to even try.