In a dystopian universe in a world similar to ours, the people of Saiga have ceased to be free, thanks to a socialist party that has risen to power by using minipulation, making Saiga a rather communist country.
The citizens of Saiga have been treated unfairly for years. Basic health is a constant struggle, unless your dying. People daily are rushed to hospitals because the government refuses to provide health items to it's citizens. It needs to stop. All of it.
Thankfully, there is a rather large, but incognito, army of rebels ready to take down the Socialists. One man in particular, Jakova , will bring a new dawn to Saiga. Hopefully.
Follow Jakova on an epic quest to restore order and bring back freedom to the people of Saiga and power through obsticals like supernatural beings, death, the Devil, and even... Love
((Contains Anthropomorphic characters))
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