Prologue The figures stood on a hill near Blue Cross academy looking at it with an annoyed look. "For a demon's home, this place is heavily protected." An albino with with spiky hair, black skinny jeans, and a white t-shirt with long black sleeves pushed up to his elbows said, casting an annoyed look down at the wards that protect the grounds. "Well... this sucks, how are we supposed to help you if this place is heavily protected from Demons?" he asked. A young female with long, layered haired answered with, "Don't worry Shiro. If Rin turns out to be difficult I'll be sure to give you a call." She smirked. "Now get out of here, I need to get ready for class tomorrow." She started to walk towards the school as the newly dubbed 'Shiro' just shrugged and walked into a swirling portal.