Times have been harsh amongst the clans. No one, not even the elders, remember of a more devastating leaf-bare than this one. All the four clans of the forest, Thunderclan, Shadowclan, Riverclan and Windclan, were suffering. The only thing Bramblestar could do to save us all was to convince the clans to unite as one clan, Survivingclan, after his deputy Squirrelflight had died of greencough. Even if it was a good idea at the start, such a large clan was destined to fall into chaos, and it did, shattering all cats into three clans- Proudclan, who held the strongest warriors and best hunters, Halfclan, who hated Proudclan for their arrogance and superiority, and Ruinsclan, who hid amongst the shadows stealing prey and lived in the ruins of a small twoleg den. It was nothing like before, for the clans held no gatherings, didn't share tongues and a constant rivalry kept them apart. Until a change happened...