I'm Jennifer Llyod, 17 year old girl, from Florida,
People would most likely describe me as the quite, most unpopular nerd in Miami's 5th public high school. But they don't know me, they don't know the reason behind my quitness and weirdness.
I'm in pain, i'm in so much pain. I'm alone in this world. With no family, with no friends...just me, only me. You know people ask me if I can smile,because i never do anymore. I remember it was 2009 june 9th the last time i felt happy, the last time i laughed, the last time I smiled. That was the day i changed, the day i first cut. It's been 4 years since then, and here i am sitting on the bathroom floor with blood running down my arm. I only cut to feel something, anything. Little did i know that was the last time cutting, feeling or maybe even breathing, living. I Just had enough.