This story takes place after majora's mask, But before the rise of the twili(aka:the shadow invasion) and follows vortexxy gaming's(youtuber who does Zelda theories. Check out her channel it's awesome. Also you would get a better under standing of this story) theory that Link falls in love with Malon and they get married. The other half of this is my idea, following the story of Linkle (from Hyrule Warriors: Legends) Twilight Princess Link's older sister(she's not actually his sister in the legend of Zelda lore, it's just that since this is before the rise of the twili, were using young twilight princess link. Also another one of vortexxy gaming's theories states that, from good evidence, the twilight princess world is just old Hyrule from ocarina of time). Okay now that that's all settled, enjoy!!!!!! Oh, and also, thank you vortexxy gaming for putting out all these awesome theories that helped me make this fanfic. ;)
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