"Some people are meant to fall in love with each other, but not meant to be together." - Unknown.
Evalina, also known as Lina, has always lived in a world where darkness never met the light. Her innocence and childhood were ripped from her tiny fingers as she grew up in the eye of her father's harsh ways. She was left with constant bruising on her skin and heart, scarring that will never heal.
Harry is an Autistic boy who has known nothing but torment for his disability. He's the 'weird boy' the 'stupid boy'. Although every accusation about him was false, he felt as he never owed anything to the world. Like he never had to prove their ideas and beliefs wrong.
But the one belief he was to prove wrong is to Lina. That he would never do the same things to her as her father has done. That he is the light that will guide her home. A home that contains a happy future with him, and everlasting love.
Not only are Lina's personal demons against her relationship with Harry, but her jealous father is as well. And unfortunately, her father has the upper hand...