In the land Hrown, there are four kingdoms. The Lendreggs, lead by her Grandness Melise, who has many opposed to her rule due to her sex. Tarkarys, the island kingdom ruled by the Tark brothers, Peter, Edwynne and Targere, all of whom vie for control of the kingdom. Creeate, ruled by King Lubrahm, an elderly man knocking on Death's door. And Murna, the smallest kingdom, which many see as ripe for the taking. The ruler of Murna, King Zachariah II, who's very paranoid of his enemies. The four kingdoms are on the brink of war, and with nationless rogues parading around, the smallest push could send Hrown into Hellish brawl. And when a jester's plot to assassinate a leader goes sour, that's just the push that Hrown needed.