79 parts Complete MatureWelcome to Elt, a peaceful and picturesque world home to the magickal Spiritkin...
For the first time in centuries, the balance of this fantastical realm is shattered when Sada, a young human woman, mysteriously arrives in Elt's enchanted forests. Beasts begin to talk, magick becomes unpredictable, and the portal between our world and Elt vanishes without warning.
With hopes of finding the Elven king who may have the means to return her home, Sada travels through Elt meeting Spiritkin and Beasts alike; on the opposite side of the continent, a powerful sorceress begins to raise an army to conquer the realm. Amidst rising tensions and looming war in the Valley of Kings, the people of Elt await the return of the Kindreds--legendary spirits said to restore balance--and Sada discovers within herself strange new powers that could either save or doom Elt.
What the Spiritkin do not know is that one Kindred has already returned to Elt, and is quietly biding their time...