Wind. Oh, the harsh wind, whipping through your hair. Oh, the harsh wind, rendering you breathless. Oh, the harsh wind, singing through the trees a song of loss. Oh, the harsh wind. In those moments, only faint trickles of information leaked through her senses. The wind. The black night. The branches of trees, slashing at her. Finally, the pain. The pain of not being able to breathe. The burn in her muscles. The scratches from the numerous beatings of nature. Fear, an icy feeling running through her veins. Her heart ached, and her stomach twisted. The pain of knowing that it was all too late. If only she had run faster. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you knew you were being chased, what would you think about? Maybe you would think of your friends, your family, whatever. What if you knew you were going to die? Your regrets, final words, maybe even pets? All she thought about was the stove. Yes, the stove. What would happen if it caught everything on fire? The house burnt down? Scattered black ashes the only remains? Her little brother, crying into their dog's dark fur. I guess it's the little things that make you tick in the end. The end. It startled her, reminding Rayleigh of the ever-prominent future, or if she even had one. Why had she left late? From her friend's house, that is. 10:30 at night. You would have thought she'd have more common sense. She supposed that's what always happened in the movies. Stupid protagonist. Late at night, of course, all alone. Antagonist, quick and clever as can be, although wit wasn't really needed. He'd always catch her in the end. Death doesn't pause for anyone. Nature doesn't care if you die- all it cares about is restoring entropy. What is truer to entropy than death?Tüm hakları saklıdır
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