Love is something you can't control, can't rush, and can't stop, just like time. Also like time, love can sneak up to you when you don't expect it. It's a force of nature that throws people into a frenzy, everyone wanting more and more. When you combine the two, you get something truly remarkable...
Many curious items pass through Alexandra's family's pawn shop every day. One morning a box arrives on the shop's step. Inside is a necklace with a small timer on the back, and a single sheet of paper with instructions. The necklace is supposedly a timer counting down to the day you meet your soulmate. Alexandra is sceptical, but decides to give it a try anyways. On the day when she's supposed to meet her soulmate, however, she meets Niall Horan. The notorious Niall Horan, member of New York's most secret and dangerous gang, the Lords. There's no way this insanely hot -but insanely deadly- man is Alexandra's soulmate. No way in hell...