Beautifully written with a compelling story-arc and splashes of humor, this novel explores issues of fate and choice against a backdrop of Proposition 13, Jonestown mass suicide, Moscone and Milk murders, the rise of New Wave music, and the Twinkie Defense.
Meet the latest incarnation of a love triangle: ambitious Laura, new to grad school and Berkeley, her go-with-the-flow boyfriend Walt, and his arrogant rival Cob, another grad student. The trio vows to "get it right this time" but intention meets karma and loses – again. Laura's choice between the men she loves, compromised by her desire to hold on to both, brings this story to its stunning conclusion. Hitch a ride with these characters, and come away glad you've met.
Do you want to practise witchcraft but don't know where to start? Do you find it all too confusing? Maybe you've been practising for a while and want to go back to basics. Or perhaps you're a seasoned witch and want to explore more ways of practising? This book is for you! This is a basic (and not-so-basic) guide to modern-day witchcraft, with common concepts clearly explained and beginner exercises easy to grasp.