"My SAO Project" is a story following the life of Mitsu Ryoutarou, a typical hormone-driven teen living in the year 2022. Despite that, Mitsu's journey gives an insight into different perspectives. One of a middle-class teen going through the motions of what society calls life, then the viewpoint of the Reader. The reader is an individual who possesses his or her own backstory in the strange virtual world that is Sword Art Online. No doubt having strong connections to the original Show "My SAO Project" is anticipating being an interesting and immersive experience. ++2019++ Coming Soon Please Note: I do not own Sword art online or any of the show's original characters or the storyline. I am simply a fan making a spin-off. Cover Found: "Current Login Screen. nov. 2nd 2013. WWW.indiedb.com. By Draulon. Web. 30 Apr. 2016. ." Rights:All Rights Reserved