Abby Lee Keating an 18 year old 'rich kid'. She's been waiting for EVER to be able to get out and travel the world by her self. And now that her 18th birthday has come an gone, she is legally aloud to freely do so. Abby may have billionaire parents but before she turned 18 not one cent of the family fortune was actually HERS to spend. But as her 18th birthday present she receives a credit card with access to her parents bank account. Although money isn't as important to Abby as it may be too others, this was a huge thing for her to receive. Her parents have always been dismissive to the idea of taking her on any sort of vacation, so in other words, she hasn't been anywhere out of her own province in Canada, Ontario. Abby is so unaware of what has happened any where out side of her home town, even her home! Though as long ago as Abby can remember she has always dreamt of traveling the world; in her journal (she had been given to by her favorite Aunt, Auntie Orla, on her eighth birthday) she had written down all the places she had wanted to go.
#1. Auntie Orla's house, Dublin, Ireland.