Nerd, weird, otaku, animated, these are all ways to describe Lilac Miyako, our average teen-age girl. The type to sit in the corner and pay attention at school despite loathing the place, she is shy and introverted. But after a stupid move of walking home, alone at night she meets a.... How to describe him? Crazy? Insane? Well what ever he was this boy was going to ruin her life! How is she so sure, you ask? He literally transfered to the school the next day AND will not stop talking to her, since they have all the same classes. Wailing on and on about the same thing, a deal. Ok, so back to that night something or someone may have been troubling her, and he may or may not have helped her out. Maybe if she gives him luch she'll finally be left alone! Ah, she really just didn't want to live right now.
All characters belong to me you may make spin-offs and such I dont care, but please give credit. I am honestly just really bored so Ya, don't expect the best work out of me! But here are all the characters: Lilac Yu Miyako, Aya Roku Miyako, Sora Shu Miyako and there mum and Dad.
Angel and bf Rick, along with his bros and her two sidekicks. (Basically mean people)
Rose and Lee (Lilac's only friends)
And him.... And all of his friends (I'll name "him" later)
#Action #Romance #Probablynosmut #Sorry #Magic #firstfic #AlloriginalOC #Mayneedhelp #Nooneshouldread #maychangetomature(violence {hardcore}) #Fluffandlotsofit #Imsorry
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