12 parts Complete MatureIn this science fiction slice-of-life tale, humanity's first contact with extraterrestrial life came in the form of a tiny race of aliens affectionately named Lilliputians. These pint-sized extraterrestrials stand at a mere five inches tall, paling in comparison to the humans they allegedly 'invaded.'
Seeking peace with mankind, the Lilliputians formed a wager with humanity, promising to stay out of the way and let life on Earth continue as normal, in exchange for them to remain on the planet.
In an attempt to better adjust to living alongside the massive inhabitants of Earth, certain Lilliputians were sent to live with humans in order to learn more about humanity and their world. One of these chosen, a young Lilliputian named Spica Virginis, is paired up with Jinnai Kobayashi, an antisocial shut-in otaku who isn't too pleased about the arrangement. But the unlikely subjects slowly form a friendship together as Spica begins to learn about the the human world, everyday life, and her partner's troubled past.
In the great sea of the universe, can two lost souls who couldn't be any more different find common ground, and find redemption for their past wrongs?