I think what is so beautiful about the idea of being in Christ, is the fact that when the wages of sin was poured out on him, He paid the wages of the sin for us, while we were so protected and guarded in him. I cannot even imagine what the cost of sin felt like, the burden of the entire world, on your shoulder, the anguish, the pain He had to endure just because He loved us. It was and still is, His nature to be truthful, merciful and filled with grace in abundance. We died when He died, our old sinful nature of course and resurrected in Him. But daily, I'm learning how to be in submission to the Holy Spirit, when I endure pain, finding the right balance in living for him with sincerity and honesty while existing in this broken world. The fragments of this world, when I see them, remind me of my old self.
Im 15 and a virgin just so y'all know and if you do end up messaging me text Arctic monkeys for confirmation because I don't know who y'all are and before you text any of my socials comment on the post so I know you're coming or even on my message board