Tsuna could not believe that even after all that he had went through his life could not get any stranger or more dangers even thought he is a soon to be 10th boss of the Vongalia Family and the trouble his Guardians caused most of the time but then again most of the time he was bound to be proven wrong especially since the new transfer students came they did not feel like the mafia but they were not normal nor human strange since the mafia at least they had other human like feel but not them. And what is up with one of them needing help with everything. Takuya thought that getting all the other Legendary Worriers to agree to live in and transfer to Namimori Town from Odoiba was for the school to study their Disciplinary Committee it was hard as specially with out any of the parents. But then again going thought the Digital World was actually more hard then school now a days.This is all very confusing especially when the latest problem the Worrier had to face that being one of their own being hurt and having to be support by the others.All Rights Reserved